Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python

The Python Journey

Follow the pages here to get up and running with Python. Pages include:

  1. Getting Started with Python
  2. Logging
  3. Timing and Progress
  4. Opening and Reading Files
  5. Functions
  6. My AoC Template
  7. Packages and Environments
  8. Classes and Objects
  9. Assertion
  10. Regular Expressions
  11. Sets
  12. Comprehensions
  13. Complex Numbers
  14. NumPy
  15. Working with Images
  16. Enumerate and Enum
  17. Map, Filter, and Reduce
  18. Working with Binary and Other Bases
  19. Visualisations and Plots with Matplotlib
  20. Graphs and Graph Theory
  21. Creating and Visualising Graphs with NetworkX
  22. Defaultdict
  23. Recursion
  24. Exceptions
  25. Permutations, Combinations, Products and More
  26. Zip
  27. Unit Testing
  28. Eval and Literal Eval
  29. Priority Queues and Heaps
  30. Shortest Path Algorithms - BFS, Dijkstra, and A*
  31. LIFO, FIFO, and deques
  32. Useful Algorithms
  33. Project Structure
  34. Using Colours
  35. Reusable Code
  36. My AoC Template, Version 2
  37. Jupyter Notebooks
  38. Encrypting Your Input
  39. Maths with SymPy