Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python


Advent of Code 2022 - Day 8

Day 8: Treetop Tree House

Useful Links

Concepts and Packages Demonstrated

ClassDataclassList comprehensionzipWorking with images

Problem Intro

We’ve arrived at an area where tall trees are arranged in a rigid grid. The trees are of varying heights.

The locations and heights of the trees is given by our input data, which looks something like this:


Part 1

The elves want to determine if our input area provides sufficient tree cover. A tree in any given position is visible from outside the grid if:

  1. The tree is on any edge.
  2. The tree is taller than any trees between this tree and any edge.

How many trees are visible from outside the grid?

We’re told we only have to consider orthogonal directions, i.e. left, right, up and down. We don’t have to worry about diagonals.

Here’s my approach:

Simple enough!

Let’s read in the data:

    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    rows = [[int(x) for x in row] for row in data]

Here I’m using a nested comprehension to get each row of numbers, and then for each row, to convert the number to an int.

Next, here is a class to represent any given 2D (x,y) Point. I’m using a dataclass. Nothing new to say about this.

class Point():
    """ Point class """
    x: int
    y: int

Next, I create a Grid class. This is where all the good stuff happens…

class Grid():
    """ Represents a grid of trees heights """
    def __init__(self, grid_rows: list) -> None:
        """ Expects data in the format... [[3, 0, 3, 7, 3], [2, 5, 5, 1, 2], ...] """
        self.rows: list[list[int]] = grid_rows
        self.cols = list(zip(*self.rows))
        self._width = len(self.cols)
        self._height = len(self.rows)
        self.size = self._width * self._height
    def height_at_point(self, point: Point) -> int:
        return self.rows[point.y][point.x]

    def is_visible(self, point: Point) -> bool:
        """ A tree is visible if it is on any edge, 
        or if there are no taller trees in the same row or column. """
        # check if it's on an edge
        if point.x == 0 or point.x == self._width-1:
            return True
        if point.y == 0 or point.y == self._height-1:
            return True
        value = self.height_at_point(point)
        # Check if taller than any other tree in the row. If so, it is visible.
        if value > max(self.rows[point.y][0:point.x]): return True
        if value > max(self.rows[point.y][point.x+1:]): return True
        # Now check the column. 
        if value > max(self.cols[point.x][0:point.y]): return True
        if value > max(self.cols[point.x][point.y+1:]): return True
        return False
    def get_hidden_trees(self) -> set[Point]:
        """ Returns all locations where trees are hidden from view. """
        return {Point(x, y) for x in range(self._height)
                            for y in range(self._width)
                            if not self.is_visible(Point(x,y))}
    def __repr__(self):
        return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}" 
               + f"(size={self.size}, rows={len(self.rows)}, cols={len(self.cols)})")

I didn’t actually need to return a set of all the hidden trees. Instead, I could have used the same method to count all the trees that are visible. But I decided to return the entire set of hidden trees, just in case we need them later. Turns out we didn’t!!

Finally, we solve the problem:

    grid = Grid(rows)
    # Part 1 - How many visible trees?
    hidden_trees = grid.get_hidden_trees()
    print("Part 1:")
    print(f"Number of hidden trees={len(hidden_trees)}")
    print(f"Number of visible trees={grid.size - len(hidden_trees)}")

Part 2

The elves are satisfied with the area! Now they want to find the best tree for their treehouse. The best tree is the tree with the highest scenic score.

What is the highest scenic score possible for any tree in our grid?

We’re told:

Here’s my solution…

First, we need to add a couple of methods to our Grid class:

    def get_scenic_scores(self) -> list[int]:
        """ Returns the scenic scores for every tree in the grid """
        scenic_scores = []
        # process across then down
        for y in range(self._width):
            for x in range(self._height):
                point = Point(x, y)
                score = self.get_scenic_score_for_point(point)
        return scenic_scores
    def get_scenic_score_for_point(self, point: Point) -> int:
        """ Scenic score is given by product of viewing distance in each of the four directions. 
        Viewing distance is given by how far away is the nearest tree that is at least as tall as this one. 
        Viewing distance is always 0 when looking out from an edge. """
        this_value = self.height_at_point(point)
        # Use generators, since we will just keep getting the next tree
        # until we reach a tree at least as tall. In theory, this is slightly more efficient than lists.
        left = (x for x in reversed(self.rows[point.y][0:point.x]))
        right = (x for x in self.rows[point.y][point.x+1:])
        up = (y for y in reversed(self.cols[point.x][0:point.y]))
        down = (y for y in self.cols[point.x][point.y+1:])
        viewing_distances = [] # store our four distances
        for direction in (left, right, up, down):
            distance = 0    # if we're on the edge, this will be the final score.
            for value in direction:
                if value < this_value:
                    distance += 1
                else: # this tree is at least as tall as our tree. We can't see past it.
                    distance += 1 # This is the last tree we can see
                    break # exit inner for

        return math.prod(viewing_distances)

Finally, we solve like this:

    # Part 2 - What is the maximum scenic score?
    print("\nPart 2:")
    scenic_scores = grid.get_scenic_scores()
    print(f"Highest score={max(scenic_scores)}")



The final code looks like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass
import math
from pathlib import Path
import time

SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
# INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/sample_input.txt")
INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/input.txt")

class Point():
    """ Point class """
    x: int
    y: int

class Grid():
    """ Represents a grid of trees heights """
    def __init__(self, grid_rows: list) -> None:
        """ Expects data in the format... [[3, 0, 3, 7, 3], [2, 5, 5, 1, 2], ...] """
        self.rows: list[list[int]] = grid_rows
        self.cols = list(zip(*self.rows))
        self._width = len(self.cols)
        self._height = len(self.rows)
        self.size = self._width * self._height
    def height_at_point(self, point: Point) -> int:
        return self.rows[point.y][point.x]

    def is_visible(self, point: Point) -> bool:
        """ A tree is visible if it is on any edge, 
        or if there are no taller trees in the same row or column. """
        # check if it's on an edge
        if point.x == 0 or point.x == self._width-1:
            return True
        if point.y == 0 or point.y == self._height-1:
            return True
        value = self.height_at_point(point)
        # Check if taller than any other tree in the row. If so, it is visible.
        if value > max(self.rows[point.y][0:point.x]): return True
        if value > max(self.rows[point.y][point.x+1:]): return True
        # Now check the column. 
        if value > max(self.cols[point.x][0:point.y]): return True
        if value > max(self.cols[point.x][point.y+1:]): return True
        return False
    def get_hidden_trees(self) -> set[Point]:
        """ Returns all locations where trees are hidden from view. """
        return {Point(x, y) for x in range(self._height)
                            for y in range(self._width)
                            if not self.is_visible(Point(x,y))}
    def get_scenic_scores(self) -> list[int]:
        """ Returns the scenic scores for every tree in the grid """
        scenic_scores = []
        # process across then down
        for y in range(self._width):
            for x in range(self._height):
                point = Point(x, y)
                score = self.get_scenic_score_for_point(point)
        return scenic_scores
    def get_scenic_score_for_point(self, point: Point) -> int:
        """ Scenic score is given by product of viewing distance in each of the four directions. 
        Viewing distance is given by how far away is the nearest tree that is at least as tall as this one. 
        Viewing distance is always 0 when looking out from an edge. """
        this_value = self.height_at_point(point)
        # Use generators, since we will just keep getting the next tree
        # until we reach a tree at least as tall. In theory, this is slightly more efficient than lists.
        left = (x for x in reversed(self.rows[point.y][0:point.x]))
        right = (x for x in self.rows[point.y][point.x+1:])
        up = (y for y in reversed(self.cols[point.x][0:point.y]))
        down = (y for y in self.cols[point.x][point.y+1:])
        viewing_distances = [] # store our four distances
        for direction in (left, right, up, down):
            distance = 0    # if we're on the edge, this will be the final score.
            for value in direction:
                if value < this_value:
                    distance += 1
                else: # this tree is at least as tall as our tree. We can't see past it.
                    distance += 1 # This is the last tree we can see
                    break # exit inner for

        return math.prod(viewing_distances)
    def __repr__(self):
        return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}" 
               + f"(size={self.size}, rows={len(self.rows)}, cols={len(self.cols)})")

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    rows = [[int(x) for x in row] for row in data]
    grid = Grid(rows)
    # Part 1 - How many visible trees?
    hidden_trees = grid.get_hidden_trees()
    print("Part 1:")
    print(f"Number of hidden trees={len(hidden_trees)}")
    print(f"Number of visible trees={grid.size - len(hidden_trees)}")
    # Part 2 - What is the maximum scenic score?
    print("\nPart 2:")
    scenic_scores = grid.get_scenic_scores()
    print(f"Highest score={max(scenic_scores)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Execution time: {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

The output looks like this:

Part 1:
Number of hidden trees=7981
Number of visible trees=1820

Part 2:
Highest score=385112
Execution time: 0.0712 seconds


Just for fun, let’s render our tree grid as an image. This is pretty easy to do with the Python Imagining Library (PIL). First we need to install Pillow.

py -m pip install Pillow

Here are the code changes…


from PIL import Image

OUTPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "output/output.png")

Next we’ll add a render_iamge() method to our Grid class:

    def render_image(self, target_width:int=600) -> Image.Image:
        """ Render grid as a heatmap image

            width (int, optional): Target width, in pxiels. Defaults to 600.
        scale = target_width // self._width  # our original image is only a few pixels across. We need to scale up.
        hidden_trees = self.get_hidden_trees()
        # Flatten our x,y array into a single list of height values
        # If the tree is a hidden tree, set its height to -1 in the flattened array
        height_values = [self.height_at_point(Point(x,y)) 
                         if Point(x,y) not in hidden_trees else -1
                                        for y in range(self._height) 
                                        for x in range(self._width)]
        max_height = max(height_values)

        # create a new list of RGB values, where each is given by an (R,G,B) tuple.
        # To achieve a yellow->amber->red effect, we want R to always be 255, B to always be 0, and G to vary based on height
        pixel_colour_map = list(map(
                    lambda x: (255, int(255*((max_height-x)/max_height)), 0) if x >= 0 else (0, 0, 0), 

        image = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(self._width, self._height))
        image.putdata(pixel_colour_map)  # load our colour map into the image

        # scale the image and return it
        return image.resize((self._width*scale, self._height*scale), Image.Resampling.NEAREST)

This is how it works:

Lastly, we just need to save the Image as a file. If the parent directory of the file doesn’t exist, then create it:

    if RENDER:
        dir_path = Path(OUTPUT_FILE).parent
        if not Path.exists(dir_path):

        image = grid.render_image(400)

With my actual data, the output looks like this:

Hidden Trees