Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python

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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 7

Day 7: No Space Left On Device

Useful Links

Concepts and Packages Demonstrated

classlist comprehensionlambdaassertionrecursiongenerator

Problem Intro

This was the first challenge this year that I found a little bit tricky. It took me longer than it should have… Probably 90 minutes in total. I made a couple of errors along the way that I needed to debug. And I possibly overengineered it!

But oh well… You get bad days!

Today’s challenge is basically about writing a program that can create and navigate a file system directory tree.

The input data looks something like this:

$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
14848514 b.txt
8504156 c.dat
dir d
$ cd a
$ ls
dir e
29116 f
2557 g
62596 h.lst

We’re told:

Part 1

Find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100000. What is the sum of the total sizes of those directories?

Okay, here’s my solution…

First, I create a dataclass to represent a File object:

class File:
    "Has name and size"
    name: str
    size: int

Nothing new there!

Then I create a class to represent a Directory:

class Directory:
    """ Represents a file system directory object. Has parent dir (if not root), subdirs, and files.
    Knows how to return ALL directories and subdirectories.
    Knows how to return total size occupied by this directory and all subdirectories. """
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self._name = name
        self._files: list[File] = []     # files in this dir
        self._dirs: list[Directory] = [] # directories in this dir
    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def add_file(self, a_file: File):
        """ Add a File to this directory """
    def add_directory(self, a_dir: Directory):
        """ Add a Directory to this directory. Set THIS directory to be its parent dir. """
        a_dir.parent_dir = self    
    def parent_dir(self):
        """ Get the parent directory of this dir. """
        return self._parent_dir
    def parent_dir(self, a_dir: Directory):
        self._parent_dir = a_dir
    def directories(self):
        """ Return directories at THIS level. """
        return self._dirs
    def get_directory(self, name: str) -> Directory:
        """ Return a directoy by name, at THIS level. """
        return next(dir for dir in self.directories if dir.name == name)
    def get_all_dirs(self) -> list[Directory]:
        """ Get ALL directories at this level and below. """
        all_dirs = []
        for a_dir in self.directories:
        return all_dirs
    def size(self):
        """ The sum of the files in this dir, as well as the sum of all subdirs. """
        return sum(file.size for file in self._files) + sum(dir.size for dir in self._dirs)
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={self.name}, size={self.size}, dirs={len(self.directories)})"

There’s quite a lot going on here!

Oh, one last thing. Because the Directory class refers to the Directory class in its own code (in various methods), we need to add this line to prevent the linter from moaning that Directory has not yet been defined:

from __future__ import annotations

Next, we need to parse our list of command line instructions!

Here’s my code to do that:

def fs_parse(instructions: list[str]) -> Directory:
    """ Processes instructions, builds directory tree, and returns the root directory.
    Lines starting with $ are commands
      $ cd ..
      $ cd some_dir
      $ ls 
    Else, lines are listings, which show either:
      sz some_file
      dir some_dir
    root_dir = Directory("/")
    current_dir = root_dir
    for line in instructions:
        if line.startswith("$"): # this line is a command
            cmd_line = line.split()
            cmd = cmd_line[1]
            if cmd == "ls":
                continue # we're now in directory list mode, so skip to next line
            if cmd == "cd": # Changing directory
                arg = cmd_line[2]
                if arg == "..": # Going back up a level
                    assert current_dir.parent_dir, "We're not at root"
                    current_dir = current_dir.parent_dir
                else: # Change to named directory
                    if arg != '/': # Changing to named dir. We need find the directory in our list.
                        # It is possible to have multiple directories with the same name.
                        # But directory names are unique within the current directory.
                        current_dir = current_dir.get_directory(arg)
                    else: # Change to root. Only happens once at the top of the instructions.
                        current_dir = root_dir 
                assert False, "There is no other valid command!"
        else: # we must be dir listing
            ls_line = line.split()
            if ls_line[0] == "dir": # add a new directory
                new_dir = Directory(ls_line[1])
                current_dir.add_directory(new_dir) # add as subdirectory to current dir
            else: # must be a file
                file = File(ls_line[1], size=int(ls_line[0]))
    return root_dir

The code is pretty well documented, so you should be able to follow it without much trouble. A couple of notes…

Okay, believe it or not, we’ve done all the hard work now! Solving the problem is now, finally, quite trivial!

    # Part 1
    all_dirs = root_dir.get_all_dirs()
    print(f"All dirs count={len(all_dirs)}.")
    # Find all the directories smaller than the target size, and add up their sizes
    small_dirs = [a_dir for a_dir in all_dirs if a_dir.size <= MAX_SZ]
    print(f"\nPart 1: Small dirs total = {sum(dir.size for dir in small_dirs)}")

How does this work?


Part 2

Find the smallest directory that, if deleted, would free up enough space on the filesystem to run the update. What is the total size of that directory?

Fortunately, because of the hard work we’ve already done, this is really easy to do:

    # Part 2
    unused_space = FS_SZ - root_dir.size # Total FS size, minus current used
    extra_free_req = FREE_REQ - unused_space
    print(f"\nCurrent nused space={unused_space}; extra space required={extra_free_req}")
    # Find all directories that would liberate enough space
    # Then we want the smallest that would be big enough.
    dirs_big_enough = [a_dir for a_dir in all_dirs if a_dir.size >= extra_free_req]
    smallest_big_dir = min(dirs_big_enough, key=lambda x: x.size)
    print(f"Part 2: Smallest directory we can delete={smallest_big_dir.name}: {smallest_big_dir.size}")


Here’s the final code:

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
import time

SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
# INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/sample_input.txt")
INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/input.txt")

FS_SZ = 70000000
FREE_REQ = 30000000
MAX_SZ = 100000

class File:
    "Has name and size"
    name: str
    size: int

class Directory:
    """ Represents a file system directory object. Has parent dir (if not root), subdirs, and files.
    Knows how to return ALL directories and subdirectories.
    Knows how to return total size occupied by this directory and all subdirectories. """
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self._name = name
        self._files: list[File] = []     # files in this dir
        self._dirs: list[Directory] = [] # directories in this dir
    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def add_file(self, a_file: File):
        """ Add a File to this directory """
    def add_directory(self, a_dir: Directory):
        """ Add a Directory to this directory. Set THIS directory to be its parent dir. """
        a_dir.parent_dir = self    
    def parent_dir(self):
        """ Get the parent directory of this dir. """
        return self._parent_dir
    def parent_dir(self, a_dir: Directory):
        self._parent_dir = a_dir
    def directories(self):
        """ Return directories at THIS level. """
        return self._dirs
    def get_directory(self, name: str) -> Directory:
        """ Return a directoy by name, at THIS level. """
        return next(dir for dir in self.directories if dir.name == name)
    def get_all_dirs(self) -> list[Directory]:
        """ Get ALL directories at this level and below. """
        all_dirs = []
        for a_dir in self.directories:
        return all_dirs
    def size(self):
        """ The sum of the files in this dir, as well as the sum of all subdirs. """
        return sum(file.size for file in self._files) + sum(dir.size for dir in self._dirs)
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={self.name}, size={self.size}, dirs={len(self.directories)})"

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    root_dir = fs_parse(data)
    # Part 1
    all_dirs = root_dir.get_all_dirs()
    print(f"All dirs count={len(all_dirs)}.")
    # Find all the directories smaller than the target size, and add up their sizes
    small_dirs = [a_dir for a_dir in all_dirs if a_dir.size <= MAX_SZ]
    print(f"\nPart 1: Small dirs total = {sum(dir.size for dir in small_dirs)}")
    # Part 2
    unused_space = FS_SZ - root_dir.size # Total FS size, minus current used
    extra_free_req = FREE_REQ - unused_space
    print(f"\nCurrent nused space={unused_space}; extra space required={extra_free_req}")
    # Find all directories that would liberate enough space
    # Then we want the smallest that would be big enough.
    dirs_big_enough = [a_dir for a_dir in all_dirs if a_dir.size >= extra_free_req]
    smallest_big_dir = min(dirs_big_enough, key=lambda x: x.size)
    print(f"Part 2: Smallest directory we can delete={smallest_big_dir.name}: {smallest_big_dir.size}")
def fs_parse(instructions: list[str]) -> Directory:
    """ Processes instructions, builds directory tree, and returns the root directory.
    Lines starting with $ are commands
      $ cd ..
      $ cd some_dir
      $ ls 
    Else, lines are listings, which show either:
      sz some_file
      dir some_dir
    root_dir = Directory("/")
    current_dir = root_dir
    for line in instructions:
        if line.startswith("$"): # this line is a command
            cmd_line = line.split()
            cmd = cmd_line[1]
            if cmd == "ls":
                continue # we're now in directory list mode, so skip to next line
            if cmd == "cd": # Changing directory
                arg = cmd_line[2]
                if arg == "..": # Going back up a level
                    assert current_dir.parent_dir, "We're not at root"
                    current_dir = current_dir.parent_dir
                else: # Change to named directory
                    if arg != '/': # Changing to named dir. We need find the directory in our list.
                        # It is possible to have multiple directories with the same name.
                        # But directory names are unique within the current directory.
                        current_dir = current_dir.get_directory(arg)
                    else: # Change to root. Only happens once at the top of the instructions.
                        current_dir = root_dir 
                assert False, "There is no other valid command!"
        else: # we must be dir listing
            ls_line = line.split()
            if ls_line[0] == "dir": # add a new directory
                new_dir = Directory(ls_line[1])
                current_dir.add_directory(new_dir) # add as subdirectory to current dir
            else: # must be a file
                file = File(ls_line[1], size=int(ls_line[0]))
    return root_dir         

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Execution time: {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

And the output looks like this:

Directory(name=/, size=49199225, dirs=4)
All dirs count=203.

Part 1: Small dirs total = 1501149

Current nused space=20800775; extra space required=9199225
Part 2: Smallest directory we can delete=jhmvgjrr: 10096985
Execution time: 0.0064 seconds

I’m glad that’s over!!