Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python

Dinner table

Advent of Code 2015 - Day 13

Day 13: Knights of the Dinner Table

Useful Links

Concepts and Packages Demonstrated

regexPermutations and CombinationsGraphsDefaultdictLambda FunctionsGraphs with NetworkXTyping and Type HintingCollections.abc

Problem Intro

We’re given a list of people who will sit around a round table. We’re asked to find the optimum seating arrangement, based on total happiness. Each person will be sat between two other people. People gain or lose happiness points, depending on who they are sat next to.

The input looks like this:

Alice would gain 54 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
Alice would lose 79 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
Alice would lose 2 happiness units by sitting next to David.
Bob would gain 83 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
Bob would lose 7 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
Bob would lose 63 happiness units by sitting next to David.
Carol would lose 62 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
Carol would gain 60 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
Carol would gain 55 happiness units by sitting next to David.
David would gain 46 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
David would lose 7 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
David would gain 41 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.

Part 1

What is the total change in happiness for the optimal seating arrangement of the actual guest list?

The real input data doesn’t have that many people. There’s only 8 people. And so, there are only 8! = 40320 different ways to order these 8 people. In modern day computing, this is nothing!

We can treat the arrangement of people as an weighted directed graph, also known as a weighted digraph. I.e.

As with similar undirected graph challenges, we can use a solution something like…

First, let’s look at the function that creates our adjacency list, to get the happiness score for any pair of people:

def get_happiness_by_person(data) -> dict[str, dict[str, int]]:
    """ Here we build an adjacency list.  We will map each person to every other person.
    Since this is a directed graph, we'll use a defaultdict(dict).

        data (list): A list of happiness statements

        dict: dict[person_x][person_y: happiness]
    # Alice would gain 54 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
    happiness = defaultdict(dict)
    happiness_pattern = re.compile(r"^(\w+) would (\w+) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)")
    for line in data:
        person_1, gain_or_lose, value, person_2 = happiness_pattern.findall(line)[0]
        if gain_or_lose == "gain":
            value = int(value)
            value = -(int(value))
        happiness[person_1][person_2] = value

    return happiness

This code:

Having built our adjacency list, we create set of all the people in our data:

    # build up a dict of hapiness scores for each person
    happiness_by_person = get_happiness_by_person(data)

    # create a set of all the people
    people = set(happiness_by_person.keys())

Now we want to determine the first person. Because everyone is sat in a circle, we can arbitrarily choose someone to be the head of the table. All our seating permutations will assume this starting position. By restricting the first person to always be the same person, we dramatically reduce the number of permutations we need to work through. That’s because there’s one fewer persons in our set of people to establish permutations for.

If we didnt’ fix the first position, we would have to work through 8! = 40320 permutations. But by fixing the position of person 1, there are now only 7 remaining people to calculate permuations for. And 7! = 5040.

    # we don't care where the first person sits, since it's a circle.  
    # So let's just make person_1 the 'head' of the table
    person_1 = people.pop()

    # get all permutations for remaining people around the table, as list of tuples
    # We expect n! perms
    perms = list(permutations(people))

Finally, we can determine the total happiness score for each of our permutations:

    happiness_for_seating = {}
    for perm in perms:
        # this allows us to remove reverse permutations
        if perm <= perm[::-1]:
            perm = list(perm)  # convert perm from tuple to list, to make it mutable
            perm.insert(0, person_1) # such that we can insert the head of the table

            # now convert back to tuple to make it hashable. Otherwise we can't use it as dict key
            happiness_for_perm[tuple(perm)] = compute_happiness_for_perm(perm, happiness_by_person)

It works like this:

def compute_happiness_for_seating(seating_arrangement, happiness_by_person):
    happiness = 0

    for i, current_person in enumerate(seating_arrangement):
        if i < len(seating_arrangement) - 1:
            current_next_person = seating_arrangement[i+1]
            current_next_person = seating_arrangement[0]

        happiness += happiness_by_person[current_person][current_next_person]
        happiness += happiness_by_person[current_next_person][current_person]

    return happiness

This works by iterating over each person in our list of people, determining who the next (adjacent) person is, and retrieving the happiness score (relative to the first person) from our adjacently dictionary. Note that if we’ve reached the last person in our list, the code then sets the next person to be the first person in the list. This works, because they are sat in a circle.

Having now built up a dictionary that maps each permutation to a total score, we’re finally able to determine the permutation with the highest score.

    optimum_happiness_seating = max(happiness_for_seating.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
    print("Part 1")
    print(f"Optimum happiness = {happiness_for_seating[optimum_happiness_seating]} with seating: {optimum_happiness_seating}")

The use of max() is interesting. Here’s how it works:

This is how we tell max() to retrieve the largest value, based on the dict value, rather than based on the dict key.

And that’s it!

Part 2

Now we’re told we need to insert ourselves in the seating arrangement. We’re told we’re ambivalent about who we sit next to, and they’re ambivalent about us. I.e. the happiness score will be 0 in both directions, for anyone we’re sat next to.

What is the total change in happiness for the optimal seating arrangement that actually includes yourself?

To solve this:

And then we can simply repeat the same code as in Part 1.

After a bit of refactoring, the final solution looks like this:

Author: Darren
Date: 12/02/2021

Solving https://adventofcode.com/2015/day/13

A list of people sat around the table.
Happiness scores depend on who sets next to whom. E.g.
    Alice would gain 54 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.

    Use a defaultdict to store happiness scores each person.  E.g.
        happiness[Alice][Bob] = 54
    Use a set to store all people.
    Find all permutations of people around the table using itertools.permutations().
    Create a dict happiness_for_perms
    For each perm:
        We don't want to process reverse order of perms, so check using <= vs last element
        For each person around the table clockwise:
            Add up the happiness of the adjacent people
        Store happiness for this perm

Part 1:
    Find happiness of optimal seating arrangement

Part 2:
    Add myself, and assume that all happiness relationships are 0, wherever I go.
    Add myself to the dict for every other person in the set.
    Add me to the set.
    Repeat Part 1.
import os
import time
import re
from itertools import permutations
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter

SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) 
INPUT_FILE = "input/input.txt"
# INPUT_FILE = "input/sample_input.txt"

def main():
    input_file = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, INPUT_FILE)
    with open(input_file, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()

    print("Part 1")
    # build up a dict of hapiness scores for each person
    happiness_by_person = get_happiness_by_person(data)

    # create a set of all the people
    people = set(happiness_by_person.keys())

    # we don't care where the first person sits, since it's a circle.  
    # So let's just make person_1 the 'head' of the table
    person_1 = people.pop()

    # get all permutations for remaining people around the table, as list of tuples
    # We expect n! perms
    happiness_for_perm, optimum_happiness_perm = find_optimum_happiness(happiness_by_person, person_1, people)
    print(f"Optimum happiness = {happiness_for_perm[optimum_happiness_perm]} with seating: {optimum_happiness_perm}")

    print("\nPart 2")
    # Need to add person_1 back in, so that we can add values for Me sitting next to Person_1
    add_me_to_happiness_by_person(happiness_by_person, people)

    happiness_for_perm, optimum_happiness_perm = find_optimum_happiness(happiness_by_person, person_1, people)
    print(f"Optimum happiness = {happiness_for_perm[optimum_happiness_perm]} with seating: {optimum_happiness_perm}")

def find_optimum_happiness(happiness_by_person, person_1, people):
    """ Determine all permutations of seating.
    Reduce number of perms by removing person_1.
    Compute happiness score for each permutation.
    Determine the permutation with the greatest happiness score.

        happiness_by_person (dict): Happiness adjacency map
        person_1 (str): Arbitrary head of the table
        people (set): The people to seat around the table

        tuple: (score, optimum_seating_permutation)
    perms = list(permutations(people))
    happiness_for_perm = {}
    for perm in perms:
        # this allows us to remove reverse permutations
        if perm <= perm[::-1]:
            perm = list(perm)  # convert perm from tuple to list, to make it mutable
            perm.insert(0, person_1) # such that we can insert the head of the table

            # now convert back to tuple to make it hashable. Otherwise we can't use it as dict key
            happiness_for_perm[tuple(perm)] = compute_happiness_for_perm(perm, happiness_by_person)
    optimum_happiness_perm = max(happiness_for_perm.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
    return happiness_for_perm, optimum_happiness_perm

def add_me_to_happiness_by_person(happiness_by_person: dict, people):
    for person in people:
        happiness_by_person[person]['Me'] = 0
        happiness_by_person['Me'][person] = 0

def compute_happiness_for_perm(seating_arrangement, happiness_by_person):
    happiness = 0

    for i, current_person in enumerate(seating_arrangement):
        if i < len(seating_arrangement) - 1:
            current_next_person = seating_arrangement[i+1]
            current_next_person = seating_arrangement[0]

        happiness += happiness_by_person[current_person][current_next_person]
        happiness += happiness_by_person[current_next_person][current_person]

    return happiness

def get_happiness_by_person(data) -> dict[str, dict[str, int]]:
    """ Here we build an adjacency list.
    We will map each person to every other person.
    Since this is a directed graph, we'll use a defaultdict(dict).

        data (list): A list of happiness statements

        dict: dict[person_x][person_y: happiness]
    # Alice would gain 54 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
    happiness = defaultdict(dict)
    happiness_pattern = re.compile(r"^(\w+) would (\w+) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)")
    for line in data:
        person_1, gain_or_lose, value, person_2 = happiness_pattern.findall(line)[0]
        if gain_or_lose == "gain":
            value = int(value)
            value = -(int(value))
        happiness[person_1][person_2] = value

    return happiness

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Execution time: {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

And my solution output looks like this:

Part 1
Optimum happiness = 664 with seating: ('Frank', 'Carol', 'Mallory', 'David', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'George', 'Eric')

Part 2
Optimum happiness = 640 with seating: ('Frank', 'Eric', 'George', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'David', 'Mallory', 'Carol', 'Me')
Execution time: 0.0438 seconds

Solving with NetworkX

NetworkX is a cool library that allows us to build a graph, and then solve problems with that graph. It can also be used to visualise our graph visually. So here, I’ve built a second solution using NetworkX.

First, let’s look at everything except visualising the graph:

from collections.abc import Iterable
from itertools import permutations
from pathlib import Path
import time
import re
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent 
INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/input.txt")

HAPPINESS = "happiness"

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()

    graph = build_graph(data)

    print("\nPart 1")
    people = set(graph.nodes.keys())
    person_a = people.pop()
    max_happiness = get_seating_with_max_happiness(graph, people, person_a)
    print(f"Optimum happiness: {max_happiness}")
    print("\nPart 2")
    # Need to add person_a back in, so that we can add values for Me sitting next to person_a
    graph = add_me_to_happiness_by_person(graph)
    people = set(graph.nodes.keys())

    max_happiness = get_seating_with_max_happiness(graph, people, person_a)
    print(f"Optimum happiness: {max_happiness}")
    if SHOW_GRAPH:
        draw_graph(graph, max_happiness[0])

def get_seating_with_max_happiness(graph, people, person_a):
    happiness_for_perm = {}
    for perm in permutations(people): # E.g. for route ABC     
        # Use path_weight to get the total of all the edges that make up the route
        if perm <= perm[::-1]:
            perm = list(perm)
            perm.insert(0, person_a)
            # Get happiness in the first direction, e.g. person A -> B
            total_happiness_forward = nx.path_weight(graph, perm, weight=HAPPINESS)
            # Now get happiness in the reverse direction, e.g. person B -> A
            total_happiness_reverse = nx.path_weight(graph, perm[::-1], weight=HAPPINESS)
            # For total happiness for this seating arrangement, we need to add forward and reverse
            happiness_for_perm[tuple(perm)] = total_happiness_forward + total_happiness_reverse

    max_journey = max(happiness_for_perm.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    return max_journey
def build_graph(data: list) -> nx.DiGraph:
    Build graph of of all people, including happiness scores between each person.
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    happiness_pattern = re.compile(r"^(\w+) would (\w+) (\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (\w+)")
    # Add each edge, in the form of a location pair
    for line in data:
        person_1, gain_or_lose, value, person_2 = happiness_pattern.findall(line)[0]
        if gain_or_lose == "gain":
            value = int(value)
            value = -(int(value))
        graph.add_edge(person_1, person_2, happiness=value)

    return graph

def add_me_to_happiness_by_person(graph: nx.DiGraph) -> nx.DiGraph:
    """ Extend the graph by adding "Me", 
    with happiness weight of 0 for all pairings that include Me.
    people = list(graph.nodes()) # make a copy of the names
    for person in people:
        graph.add_edge(person, "Me", happiness=0)
        graph.add_edge("Me", person, happiness=0)
    return graph
if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Execution time: {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

Some notes about this code:

Drawing the Graph

Now let’s visualise it:

def draw_graph(graph: nx.DiGraph, arrangement: Iterable):
    """ Takes the original graph and a seating arrangement, 
    builds a new graph with the nodes in the correct arrangement order, and draws it.
    # Get the edges from only the adjacent people in our seating arrangement
    edges = list(nx.utils.pairwise(arrangement))
    # Get dict of {(A, B): happiness} to use as edge labels
    edge_labels = {(person_1, person_2): graph[person_1][person_2][HAPPINESS] 
                        for (person_1, person_2) in edges}
    # Get dict of {(B, A): happiness}
    reverse_edges = [(b, a) for a, b in edges] # to use as edge labels
    reverse_edge_labels = {(person_2, person_1): graph[person_2][person_1][HAPPINESS] 
                        for (person_1, person_2) in edges}
    all_edges = edges + reverse_edges # a single list of all edges, in both directions
    seating_graph = nx.DiGraph() # Create a new graph, to which we will add only relevant edges
    for (person_1, person_2) in all_edges:
        happiness_score = graph[person_1][person_2][HAPPINESS]
        seating_graph.add_edge(person_1, person_2, happiness=happiness_score)

    pos = nx.circular_layout(seating_graph) # arrange our nodes - in the right order - in a circle
    # Nodes and node labels
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(seating_graph, pos, node_color="y")
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(seating_graph, pos, font_family="sans-serif")
    # Edges - use arc3 to curve them, otherwise we end up with a double-arrowed line
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(seating_graph, pos, edgelist=edges, # forward edges
                           width=1, edge_color="r", connectionstyle='arc3, rad = 0.3', 
                           min_source_margin=15, min_target_margin=15)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(seating_graph, pos, edgelist=reverse_edges, # reverse edges
                           width=1, edge_color="b", connectionstyle='arc3, rad = 0.3', 
                           min_source_margin=15, min_target_margin=15)
    # Edge weight labels
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(seating_graph, pos, edge_labels, 
                                 font_color="r", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="left")
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(seating_graph, pos, reverse_edge_labels, 
                                 font_color="b", verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="right")
    ax = plt.gca()

The code is well documented, so you should be able to follow it.

Our final output looks something like this:

Part 1
Optimum happiness: (('Carol', 'Frank', 'Eric', 'George', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'David', 'Mallory', 'Carol'), 664)

Part 2
Optimum happiness: (('Carol', 'Mallory', 'David', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'George', 'Eric', 'Frank', 'Me', 'Carol'), 640)
Execution time: 1.2427 seconds

And it draws a visualisation that looks like this:

Day 13 Seating Arrangement Vis!