Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python


Advent of Code 2022 - Day 24

Day 24: Blizzard Basin

Useful Links

Concepts and Packages Demonstrated

defaultdictdataclassFactory methodBreadth First Search (BFS)

Problem Intro

This one was tough to get right.

We’ve reached a valley that we need to cross. The valley is full of horizontal and vertical blizzards. Our input data represents the valley, and it looks something like this:


In this map:

Part 1

What is the fewest number of minutes required to avoid the blizzards and reach the goal?

My strategy is as follows:

First, I’ll use a Point dataclass, as I often do:

class Point():
    """ Point x,y which knows how to add another point, and how to return all adjacent (non-diag) points """
    x: int
    y: int

    def __add__(self, other) -> Point:
        """ Add other point to this point, returning new point vector """
        return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
    def adjacent_points(self) -> set[Point]:
        return set(self+vector for vector in VECTORS.values())
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"P({self.x},{self.y})"

This Point class knows how to add a vector to return a new Point, and it uses this addition method to return all of it’s adjacent points (excluding diagonals), i.e. by adding each of four adjacent vectors to itself.

Now I define the VECTORS dictionary:

    '>': Point(1, 0),
    'v': Point(0, 1),
    '<': Point(-1, 0),
    '^': Point(0, -1)

Now I create a MapState() class:

class MapState():
    """ Store location of blizzards, grid bounds, start, goal, and time. """
    def __init__(self, blizzards: dict, grid_dims: tuple, start: Point, goal: Point, t: int) -> None:
        self._blizzards: dict[Point, list] = blizzards
        self._width = grid_dims[0]
        self._height = grid_dims[1]
        self._start = start
        self._goal = goal
        self._time = t
    def init_from_grid(cls, grid_input: list[str]):
        """ Create a new MapState using an input grid """
        grid: list[str] = grid_input
        blizzards = defaultdict(list)
        for y, row in enumerate(grid[1:-1]): # ignore top and bottom
            for x, col in enumerate(row[1:-1]): # ignore left and right
                point = Point(x,y)
                if col in VECTORS:
        height = len(grid) - 2
        width = len(grid[0]) - 2
        start = Point(0, -1) # 1 above top grid row
        goal = Point(width-1, height) # 1 below bottom grid row
        return MapState(blizzards, (width, height), start=start, goal=goal, t=0)
    def start(self) -> Point:
        return self._start
    def start(self, point: Point):
        self._start = point
    def time(self) -> int:
        return self._time
    def goal(self) -> Point:
        return self._goal
    def goal(self, point):
        self._goal = point
    def next_blizzard_state(self) -> MapState:
        """ Move blizzards to achieve next blizzard state.  There is only one possible next blizzard state """
        next_blizzards = defaultdict(list)
        for loc, blizzards_here in self._blizzards.items():
            for current_bliz in blizzards_here:
                next_bliz_x = (loc + VECTORS[current_bliz]).x % self._width
                next_bliz_y = (loc + VECTORS[current_bliz]).y % self._height
                next_blizzards[Point(next_bliz_x, next_bliz_y)].append(current_bliz)
        return MapState(next_blizzards, (self._width, self._height), self._start, self._goal, self.time+1)

    def is_valid(self, point: Point) -> bool:
        """ Check if the specified point is an allowed position in the current blizzard state. """
        if point in (self._start, self._goal): # out of bounds, but allowed
            return True
        # out of bounds
        if not (0 <= point.x < self._width):
            return False
        if not (0 <= point.y < self._height):
            return False
        if point in (self._blizzards):
            return False
        return True

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        lines = []
        for y in range(0, self._height):
            line = ""
            for x in range (0, self._width):
                loc = Point(x,y)
                if loc in self._blizzards:
                    blizzards_here = self._blizzards[loc]
                    how_many_blizzards = len(blizzards_here)
                    if how_many_blizzards == 1: # one blizzard here
                        line += next(bliz for bliz in blizzards_here)
                    elif how_many_blizzards > 1: # more than one blizzard here
                        line += str(how_many_blizzards)
                    line += '.'
        return ("\n".join(lines) + 
                f"\nTime={self.time}, Hash={hash(self)}")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Time={self.time}, Hash={hash(self)}"

We can now test our blizzard MapState is able to iterate, as follows:

def test_blizzard_states(init_state: MapState, iterations: int):
    state = init_state
    for _ in range(iterations):
        print(state, end="\n\n")
        state = state.next_blizzard_state()

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    state = MapState.init_from_grid(data)  
    test_blizzard_states(state, 10)

The output looks like this:











Good, that looks correct!

Now we’re ready to implement the BFS.

def bfs(state: MapState) -> MapState:
    """ BFS, but we're allowed to backtrack. 
    Our frontier should only contain the current set of allowed next locations. """
    start = state.start
    goal = state.goal
    # Use a set because the many neighbours of the points in our frontier may be the same position
    # We don't want to explore the same location twice IN THE SAME ITERATION
    frontier = {start} 
    while goal not in frontier:
        state = state.next_blizzard_state()
        # reset frontier because we can revisit locations we've been to before
        frontier = set(explore_frontier(state, frontier))
    return state
def explore_frontier(current_state, frontier):
    """ Generator that returns all valid next locations with current blizzard state
    from all locations in the frontier. """
    for loc in frontier:
        for neighbour in loc.adjacent_points():
            if current_state.is_valid(neighbour):
                yield neighbour
        if current_state.is_valid(loc): # staying still may be a valid move
            yield loc

It works like this:

Note that unlike a typical BFS, we’re allowed to backtrack here. That’s why we’re not storing all previous visited points in an explored set, as we would typically do. Instead, we’re creating a new frontier set for each new MapState and the associated current position.

Finally, we can solve for Part 1, like this:

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()

    # Part 1
    state = MapState.init_from_grid(data)    
    state = bfs(state)
    print(f"Part 1: {state.time}")

Part 2

Oh no! One of the elves left his snacks at the entrance to the valley. So we need to go back to the start, retrieve them, and then journey back to the goal. Thus:

What is the fewest number of minutes required to reach the goal, go back to the start, then reach the goal again?

Our total journey is now made up of three legs:

  1. From start to goal.
  2. From goal back to start.
  3. From start to goal again.

But throughout, the blizzards are changing.

This is pretty trivial for us to solve. We just need to continue where we left off, with leg 1 already complete. We just need to:

  1. Swap the locations of start and goal, and repeat the BFS.
  2. Swap the locations back again, and repeat the BFS again.

In fact, we just need to amend our main() function to look like this:

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()

    # Part 1
    leg_times = []
    state = MapState.init_from_grid(data)    
    state = bfs(state)
    print(f"Part 1: Leg time={leg_times[0]}")
    # Part 2
    # First, swap goal and start, since we need to go back to the start
    state.start, state.goal = state.goal, state.start
    state = bfs(state)
    leg_times.append(state.time - sum(leg_times))
    print(f"Part 2: Return leg time={leg_times[-1]}")
    state.start, state.goal = state.goal, state.start
    state = bfs(state)
    leg_times.append(state.time - sum(leg_times))
    print(f"Part 2: Last leg time={leg_times[-1]}")
    print(f"Part 2: Total time={sum(leg_times)}")


Here’s the final code:

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
import time

SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
# INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/sample_input.txt")
INPUT_FILE = Path(SCRIPT_DIR, "input/input.txt")

class Point():
    """ Point x,y which knows how to add another point, and how to return all adjacent (non-diag) points """
    x: int
    y: int

    def __add__(self, other) -> Point:
        """ Add other point to this point, returning new point vector """
        return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
    def adjacent_points(self) -> set[Point]:
        return set(self+vector for vector in VECTORS.values())
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"P({self.x},{self.y})"

    '>': Point(1, 0),
    'v': Point(0, 1),
    '<': Point(-1, 0),
    '^': Point(0, -1)

class MapState():
    """ Store location of blizzards, grid bounds, start, goal, and time. """
    def __init__(self, blizzards: dict, grid_dims: tuple, start: Point, goal: Point, t: int) -> None:
        self._blizzards: dict[Point, list] = blizzards
        self._width = grid_dims[0]
        self._height = grid_dims[1]
        self._start = start
        self._goal = goal
        self._time = t
    def init_from_grid(cls, grid_input: list[str]):
        """ Create a new MapState using an input grid """
        grid: list[str] = grid_input
        blizzards = defaultdict(list)
        for y, row in enumerate(grid[1:-1]): # ignore top and bottom
            for x, col in enumerate(row[1:-1]): # ignore left and right
                point = Point(x,y)
                if col in VECTORS:
        height = len(grid) - 2
        width = len(grid[0]) - 2
        start = Point(0, -1) # 1 above top grid row
        goal = Point(width-1, height) # 1 below bottom grid row
        return MapState(blizzards, (width, height), start=start, goal=goal, t=0)
    def start(self) -> Point:
        return self._start
    def start(self, point: Point):
        self._start = point
    def time(self) -> int:
        return self._time
    def goal(self) -> Point:
        return self._goal
    def goal(self, point):
        self._goal = point
    def next_blizzard_state(self) -> MapState:
        """ Move blizzards to achieve next blizzard state.  There is only one possible next blizzard state """
        next_blizzards = defaultdict(list)
        for loc, blizzards_here in self._blizzards.items():
            for current_bliz in blizzards_here:
                next_bliz_x = (loc + VECTORS[current_bliz]).x % self._width
                next_bliz_y = (loc + VECTORS[current_bliz]).y % self._height
                next_blizzards[Point(next_bliz_x, next_bliz_y)].append(current_bliz)
        return MapState(next_blizzards, (self._width, self._height), self._start, self._goal, self.time+1)

    def is_valid(self, point: Point) -> bool:
        """ Check if the specified point is an allowed position in the current blizzard state. """
        if point in (self._start, self._goal): # out of bounds, but allowed
            return True
        # out of bounds
        if not (0 <= point.x < self._width):
            return False
        if not (0 <= point.y < self._height):
            return False
        if point in (self._blizzards):
            return False
        return True

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        lines = []
        for y in range(0, self._height):
            line = ""
            for x in range (0, self._width):
                loc = Point(x,y)
                if loc in self._blizzards:
                    blizzards_here = self._blizzards[loc]
                    how_many_blizzards = len(blizzards_here)
                    if how_many_blizzards == 1: # one blizzard here
                        line += next(bliz for bliz in blizzards_here)
                    elif how_many_blizzards > 1: # more than one blizzard here
                        line += str(how_many_blizzards)
                    line += '.'
        return ("\n".join(lines) + f"\nTime={self.time}")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Time={self.time}, Hash={hash(self)}"

def main():
    with open(INPUT_FILE, mode="rt") as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()

    # Part 1
    leg_times = []
    state = MapState.init_from_grid(data)    
    state = bfs(state)
    print(f"Part 1: Leg time={leg_times[0]}")
    # Part 2
    # First, swap goal and start, since we need to go back to the start
    state.start, state.goal = state.goal, state.start
    state = bfs(state)
    leg_times.append(state.time - sum(leg_times))
    print(f"Part 2: Return leg time={leg_times[-1]}")
    state.start, state.goal = state.goal, state.start
    state = bfs(state)
    leg_times.append(state.time - sum(leg_times))
    print(f"Part 2: Last leg time={leg_times[-1]}")
    print(f"Part 2: Total time={sum(leg_times)}")

def test_blizzard_states(init_state: MapState, iterations: int):
    state = init_state
    for _ in range(iterations):
        print(state, end="\n\n")
        state = state.next_blizzard_state()
def bfs(state: MapState) -> MapState:
    """ BFS, but we're allowed to backtrack. 
    Our frontier should only contain the current set of allowed next locations. """
    start = state.start
    goal = state.goal
    # Use a set because the many neighbours of the points in our frontier may be the same position
    # We don't want to explore the same location twice IN THE SAME ITERATION
    frontier = {start} 
    while goal not in frontier:
        state = state.next_blizzard_state()
        # reset frontier because we can revisit locations we've been to before
        frontier = set(explore_frontier(state, frontier))
    return state
def explore_frontier(current_state, frontier):
    """ Generator that returns all valid next locations with current blizzard state
    from all locations in the frontier. """
    for loc in frontier:
        for neighbour in loc.adjacent_points():
            if current_state.is_valid(neighbour):
                yield neighbour
        if current_state.is_valid(loc): # staying still may be a valid move
            yield loc

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"Execution time: {t2 - t1:0.4f} seconds")

Here’s the output with my real input data:

Part 1: Leg time=286
Part 2: Return leg time=255
Part 2: Last leg time=279
Part 2: Total time=820
Execution time: 6.9212 seconds