Learning Python with Advent of Code Walkthroughs

Dazbo's Advent of Code solutions, written in Python


Advent of Code 2021 - Day 23

Day 23: Amphipod

Useful Links

Concepts and Packages Demonstrated

Breadth First Search (BFS)Dijkstraheapqdictionary comprehensionzipany

class attributes__hash____eq____lt__ (<)

Problem Intro

Yep, this one was hard too. Not as hard as yesterday though. It was much easier to see how to do the solution. But I ended up writing quite a lot of code.


We’re told we have four types of amphipods, labelled A, B, C and D. They live in a burrow made up of a hallway and side rooms. Each room has two slots, and we start with all room slots filled with amphipods, using a configuration given as our starting input.

The sample input looks like this:


A . char denotes an empty space.

Part 1

What is the least energy required, in order to rearrange the amphipods such that all the A pods are in the first room, all of the B pods are in the second, and so on?

So ultimately, we need to end up in this configuration:


There are rules to amphipod movement:

Thus, it’s intuitively obvious that D pods need to move as little as possible!

For me, there were two obvious ways to go about this:

  1. With a Dijkstra breadth first search (BFS).
    • I.e. where we track the current burrow state.
    • We have a method that returns all possible next states.
    • We then use Dijkstra BFS to trawl through states from start to goal, but favouring moves with the lowest cost. (That’s what Dijkstra is good for!)
  2. With recursion with memoization.
    • We use recursion to determine all possible next states, depth first.
    • We stop when we find a state that is the goal.
    • We use memoization to ensure that if we recurse into a state we’ve seen before, we immediately pop out the lowest cost answer that we’ve previously evaluated.

Personally, I like the Dijkstra approach more. So that’s what I’m going to describe here.

Let’s start with reading in the data:

input_file = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, INPUT_FILE)
with open(input_file, mode="rt") as f:
    data = f.read().splitlines()

# Part 1
# Process data with initial state of our four rooms
room_a: list[str] = []
room_b: list[str] = []
room_c: list[str] = []
room_d: list[str] = []
hall: list[str] = []

for line in data:   # we only care about chars in "ABCD."
    for x, char in enumerate(line):
        if char == ".":     # hall
        if char in "ABCD":  # rooms
            if x == 3:
            if x == 5:
            if x == 7:
            if x == 9:

I’m representing the four rooms, and the hall, with lists that can only contain str.

Now I create a dictionary that maps each room to the contents of that room. Each room key is one of A, B, C, or D, and each room value is the list that stores the room’s members.

# E.g. {'A': ['A', 'B'], 'B': ['D', 'C'], 'C': ['B', 'D'], 'D': ['C', 'A']}
rooms = {k: room for k, room in zip(BurrowState.ROOM_KEYS, [room_a, room_b, room_c, room_d])}

This works by:

Now we create an initial BurrowState object, passing in a tuple that contains the initial values of rooms and hall:

start = BurrowState((rooms, hall))

As with all BFS and Dijkstra implementations, we’re going to need to compare our BurrowState objects, i.e. to see if we’ve seen this state before. My BurrowState class looks like this:

class BurrowState():
    """ Store the state of a Burrow, i.e. the configuration of the hall and rooms. 
    Knows how to yield next possible states (e.g. for use in a BFS). """
    A = 'A'
    B = 'B'
    C = 'C'
    D = 'D'
    EMPTY = '.'
    ROOM_KEYS = [A, B, C, D]
    POD_COSTS = {A: 1, B: 10, C: 100, D: 1000}
    ROOM_IDX = {A: 2, B: 4, C: 6, D: 8}

    def __init__(self, state: tuple[dict[str, list[str]], list[str]], cost:int=0) -> None:
        """ Creates a new BurrowState.

            state (tuple[dict[str, list[str]], list[str]]): (rooms, hall)
            energy (int, optional): Energy required to get to this state. Defaults to 0.
        self._state = state # (rooms, hall)
        self._last_cost = cost # energy required to get to this state from last state
    def last_cost(self):
        """ The energy cost taken to generate this state from the previous state.
        (This is not a cumulative energy.) """
        return self._last_cost
    def is_goal(self) -> bool:
        """ Returns False if any amphipods in any room are not of the right type """
        rooms, _ = self._state
        for room_type, pods in rooms.items():
            if any((amphipod != room_type) for amphipod in pods):
                return False
        return True

    def _can_move_from(self, room_key: str, room: list) -> bool:
        """ If this item is an amphipod and if we can move it """
        for item in room:
            if item != room_key and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                # If there's a pod at this location, and it doesn't belong in this room
                return True
        return False

    def _can_move_to(self, room_key: str, room: list) -> bool:
        """ Check if destination room is correct type and can accept a pod """
        for item in room:
            if item != room_key and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                # If there's already a pod in this room, and it's the wrong type 
                return False
        return True

    def _get_top_item_idx(self, room_contents: list):
        """ Return the row index of the top pod (i.e. top occupied position) in a room """
        for i, item in enumerate(room_contents):
            if item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return i
        return None

    def _get_room_dest_idx(self, room_contents: list):
        """ Return the position in the room we want to move to. """
        for i, char in reversed(list(enumerate(room_contents))):
            if char == BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return i    # return the "bottom" (highest index) that is empty
        return None

    def _is_between(self, posn: int, room_key: str, hall_idx: int) -> bool:
        """ If this posn is between the room and the hall index """
        return ((BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[room_key] < posn < hall_idx)
                or (hall_idx < posn < BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[room_key]))

    def _is_clear_path(self, room_key: str, hall_idx: int) -> bool:
        """ Is it clear between the room and the hall position? 

            room_key (str): Which room
            hall_idx (int): Which hall horizontal position
            hall (list[str]): Contents of the hall
        _, hall = self._state
        for posn, item in enumerate(hall):
            if self._is_between(posn, room_key, hall_idx) and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return False
        return True

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """ Generate a str representation of this state """
        rooms, hall = self._state
        rooms_list = [room_items for room_type, room_items in rooms.items()]
        render = []
        render.append('')  # Blank line
        render.append("#" + "#"*len(hall) + "#") # top row
        render.append("#" + "".join(hall) + "#") # hall row
        for i in range(len(rooms_list[0])): # room rows
            if i == 0:
                prefix = suffix = "###" # top room row
                prefix = "  #"
                suffix = "#"
            render.append(prefix + "#".join(rooms[k][i] for k in rooms) + suffix)
        render.append("  " + "#"*(len(hall)-2)) # bottom row
        return "\n".join(render)

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        rooms, hall = self._state
        rooms_tuple = tuple((k, tuple(v)) for k,v in rooms.items())
        hall_tuple = tuple(hall)
        return hash(tuple((rooms_tuple, hall_tuple)))
    def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
        """ Test for equivalence by comparing hall and rooms """
        if isinstance(__o, BurrowState):
            this_rooms, this_hall = self._state
            other_rooms, other_hall = __o._state
            return this_rooms == other_rooms and this_hall == other_hall
            return NotImplemented
    def __lt__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
        """ Performs comparision based on last energy cost. """
        if isinstance(__o, BurrowState):
            return self.last_cost < __o.last_cost
            return NotImplemented
    def next_state(self) -> Iterable[BurrowState]:
        """ Yields next possible states from here.
        If we can put a amphipod into its destination room, then only return that state. """  
        rooms, hall = self._state
        # Determine if we have any pods in the hall that can go directly to dest
        # If we have, then this is the best move
        for i, pod in enumerate(hall): # position and item (pod or empty) in hall
            # If a pod, and we can move it to the room
            if pod in rooms and self._can_move_to(pod, rooms[pod]):
                if self._is_clear_path(pod, i):
                    dest_idx = self._get_room_dest_idx(rooms[pod])
                    assert isinstance(dest_idx, int), "We've determined we can move to this room"
                    dist = dest_idx + 1 + abs(BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[pod]-i)
                    cost = BurrowState.POD_COSTS[pod] * dist
                    # remove pod from hall
                    new_hall = list(hall) # create a copy
                    new_hall[i] = BurrowState.EMPTY
                    # add pod to destination room
                    new_rooms = {k: [room_item for room_item in v] for k, v in rooms.items()}                
                    new_rooms[pod][dest_idx] = pod

                    yield BurrowState((new_rooms, new_hall), cost=cost)

        # If we're here, no pods in the hall to move to destination.
        # Evaluate which rooms we can move pods from
        for room_key, room_contents in rooms.items():
            if not self._can_move_from(room_key, room_contents):
            # If we're here, we can move out of this room
            pod_idx = self._get_top_item_idx(room_contents)
            if pod_idx is None:
            # If we're here, there's a pod to move from this room
            pod = room_contents[pod_idx]
            # Now find locations in the hall our pod can move to
            for hall_posn, item in enumerate(hall):
                if hall_posn in [2, 4, 6, 8]:
                    continue    # skip hall positions above rooms
                if item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                    continue    # skip locations that are occupied
                # determine if we have a path to this destination
                if self._is_clear_path(room_key, hall_posn):
                    dist = pod_idx + 1 + abs(hall_posn - BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[room_key])
                    cost = BurrowState.POD_COSTS[pod] * dist  # cost of this move
                    # make a copy of hall and rooms, and update them
                    new_hall = list(hall)
                    new_hall[hall_posn] = pod
                    # This is much quicker than a deep copy
                    new_rooms = {k: [room_item for room_item in v] for k, v in rooms.items()}
                    new_rooms[room_key][pod_idx] = BurrowState.EMPTY
                    yield BurrowState((new_rooms, new_hall), cost=cost)

Yeah, it is quite long. Sorry! We could be briefer, but I’ve gone for readability.

Let’s break it down.

First, some class attributes, that we can treat as constants:

    A = 'A'
    B = 'B'
    C = 'C'
    D = 'D'
    EMPTY = '.'
    ROOM_KEYS = [A, B, C, D]
    POD_COSTS = {A: 1, B: 10, C: 100, D: 1000}
    ROOM_IDX = {A: 2, B: 4, C: 6, D: 8}

Note that ROOM_IDX is a dictionary, where the key is the room, and the value is the index of where that room is found, relative to hall. This is clearer if I replace some hall spaces with index values in the layout diagram:


Next, the initialiser:

    def __init__(self, state: tuple[dict[str, list[str]], list[str]], cost:int=0) -> None:
        """ Creates a new BurrowState.

            state (tuple[dict[str, list[str]], list[str]]): (rooms, hall)
            energy (int, optional): Energy required to get to this state. Defaults to 0.
        self._state = state # (rooms, hall)
        self._last_cost = cost # energy required to get to this state from last state

As we’ve already seen, we can create a BurrowState object by passing in a tuple of (rooms, hall). The tuple is stored in the instance’s _state attribute.

We also store an attribute called _last_cost. This stores the cost that was required for the last move. And consequently, our initialiser has a third optional argument, which is the cost of the last move made that resulted in this BurrowState. This defaults to 0, reflecting the fact that the very first BurrowState we create will have no cost. But all subsequent BurrowState objects will have a cost, i.e. because an amphipod will have moved.

Now let’s look at some of the methods:

    def is_goal(self) -> bool:
        """ Returns False if any amphipods in any room are not of the right type """
        rooms, _ = self._state
        for room_type, pods in rooms.items():
            if any((amphipod != room_type) for amphipod in pods):
                return False
        return True

    def _can_move_from(self, room_key: str, room: list) -> bool:
        """ If this item is an amphipod and if we can move it """
        for item in room:
            if item != room_key and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                # If there's a pod at this location, and it doesn't belong in this room
                return True
        return False

    def _can_move_to(self, room_key: str, room: list) -> bool:
        """ Check if destination room is correct type and can accept a pod """
        for item in room:
            if item != room_key and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                # If there's already a pod in this room, and it's the wrong type 
                return False
        return True

    def _get_top_item_idx(self, room_contents: list):
        """ Return the row index of the top pod (i.e. top occupied position) in a room """
        for i, item in enumerate(room_contents):
            if item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return i
        return None

    def _get_room_dest_idx(self, room_contents: list):
        """ Return the position in the room we want to move to. """
        for i, char in reversed(list(enumerate(room_contents))):
            if char == BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return i    # return the "bottom" (highest index) that is empty
        return None

    def _is_between(self, posn: int, room_key: str, hall_idx: int) -> bool:
        """ If this posn is between the room and the hall index """
        return ((self._get_room_horiz_idx(room_key) < posn < hall_idx)
                or (hall_idx < posn < self._get_room_horiz_idx(room_key)))

    def _is_clear_path(self, room_key: str, hall_idx: int) -> bool:
        """ Is it clear between the room and the hall position? 

            room_key (str): Which room
            hall_idx (int): Which hall horizontal position
            hall (list[str]): Contents of the hall
        _, hall = self._state
        for posn, item in enumerate(hall):
            if self._is_between(posn, room_key, hall_idx) and item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                return False
        return True

Now we need to be able to compare BurrowState objects, to check if we’ve seen this BurrowState before. As always, in order to check for equality, we need to implement the __hash__() method, as well as the __eq__() method. In addition, in order to be able to push and pop BurrowState objects on/off a priority queue, we must also implement the __lt__(), which provides the implementation for the < operator.

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        rooms, hall = self._state
        rooms_tuple = tuple((k, tuple(v)) for k,v in rooms.items())
        hall_tuple = tuple(hall)
        return hash(tuple((rooms_tuple, hall_tuple)))
    def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
        """ Test for equivalence by comparing hall and rooms """
        if isinstance(__o, BurrowState):
            this_rooms, this_hall = self._state
            other_rooms, other_hall = __o._state
            return this_rooms == other_rooms and this_hall == other_hall
            return NotImplemented
    def __lt__(self, __o: object) -> bool:
        """ Performs comparision based on last energy cost. """
        if isinstance(__o, BurrowState):
            return self.last_cost < __o.last_cost
            return NotImplemented

Now let’s implement a method to generate a nice visual representation of any BurrowState object:

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """ Generate a str representation of this state """
        rooms, hall = self._state
        rooms_list = [room for room_type, room in rooms.items()]
        render = []
        render.append('')  # Blank line
        render.append("#" + "#"*len(hall) + "#") # top row
        render.append("#" + "".join(hall) + "#") # hall row
        for i in range(len(rooms_list[0])): # room rows
            if i == 0:
                prefix = suffix = "###" # top room row
                prefix = "  #"
                suffix = "#"
            render.append(prefix + "#".join(rooms[k][i] for k in rooms) + suffix)
        render.append("  " + "#"*(len(hall)-2)) # bottom row
        return "\n".join(render)

This works as follows:

And the final method of our BurrowState is the next_state() method, which returns all possible next BurrowState objects that can be reached in one move:

    def next_state(self) -> Iterable[BurrowState]:
        """ Yields next possible states from here.
        If we can put a amphipod into its destination room, then only return that state. """  
        rooms, hall = self._state
        # Determine if we have any pods in the hall that can go directly to dest
        # If we have, then this is the best move
        for i, pod in enumerate(hall): # position and item (pod or empty) in hall
            # If a pod, and we can move it to the room
            if pod in rooms and self._can_move_to(pod, rooms[pod]):
                if self._is_clear_path(pod, i):
                    dest_idx = self._get_room_dest_idx(rooms[pod])
                    assert isinstance(dest_idx, int), "We've determined we can move to this room"
                    dist = dest_idx + 1 + abs(BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[pod]-i)
                    cost = BurrowState.POD_COSTS[pod] * dist
                    # remove pod from hall
                    new_hall = list(hall) # create a copy
                    new_hall[i] = BurrowState.EMPTY
                    # add pod to destination room
                    new_rooms = {k: [room_item for room_item in v] for k, v in rooms.items()}                
                    new_rooms[pod][dest_idx] = pod

                    yield BurrowState((new_rooms, new_hall), cost=cost)

        # If we're here, no pods in the hall to move to destination.
        # Evaluate which rooms we can move pods from
        for room_key, room_contents in rooms.items():
            if not self._can_move_from(room_key, room_contents):
            # If we're here, we can move out of this room
            pod_idx = self._get_top_item_idx(room_contents)
            if pod_idx is None:
            # If we're here, there's a pod to move from this room
            pod = room_contents[pod_idx]
            # Now find locations in the hall our pod can move to
            for hall_posn, item in enumerate(hall):
                if hall_posn in [2, 4, 6, 8]:
                    continue    # skip hall positions above rooms
                if item != BurrowState.EMPTY:
                    continue    # skip locations that are occupied
                # determine if we have a path to this destination
                if self._is_clear_path(room_key, hall_posn):
                    dist = pod_idx + 1 + abs(hall_posn - BurrowState.ROOM_IDX[room_key])
                    cost = BurrowState.POD_COSTS[pod] * dist  # cost of this move
                    # make a copy of hall and rooms, and update them
                    new_hall = list(hall)
                    new_hall[hall_posn] = pod
                    # This is much quicker than a deep copy
                    new_rooms = {k: [room_item for room_item in v] for k, v in rooms.items()}
                    new_rooms[room_key][pod_idx] = BurrowState.EMPTY
                    yield BurrowState((new_rooms, new_hall), cost=cost)

This is where most of the heavy lifting happens.

Finally, we’re ready to implement our Dijkstra function:

def solve_with_dijkstra(start: BurrowState) -> tuple[BurrowState, dict[BurrowState, BurrowState]]:
    current: BurrowState = start
    frontier: list = []
    heapq.heappush(frontier, (0, current))   # init state will have energy cost of 0
    came_from = {}  # so we can rebuild path from breadcrumbs
    came_from[current] = None
    energy_so_far = {}  # store cumulative energy required to get to this state. Use as priority for heapq.
    energy_so_far[current] = 0
    while frontier:
        _, current = heapq.heappop(frontier)
        if current.is_goal():
        next_state: BurrowState
        for next_state in current.next_state():
            new_energy = energy_so_far[current] + next_state.last_cost
            # If we haven't seen this state before, or we've found a more efficient way to get to this state...
            if next_state not in energy_so_far or new_energy < energy_so_far[next_state]:
                energy_so_far[next_state] = new_energy
                heapq.heappush(frontier, (new_energy, next_state))
                came_from[next_state] = current
    return (current, came_from)

This is what it does:

We call it like this:

current, came_from = solve_with_dijkstra(start)

So at this point, we have a dictionary of BurrowState objects, with each key pointing to the prevoius BurrowState. And because we’ve solved using Dijkstra, the sequence of keys will the lowest cost way to solve the problem.

But we still haven’t determined the cumulative cost. And that’s what we need. So to finally get to the answer, I’ve implemented a render_breadcrumbs() method.

def render_breadcrumbs(last_state: BurrowState, came_from: dict, start: BurrowState) -> str:
    """ Given a final state and a map of state-to-previous state, 
    render the entire path to the initial state. """
    breadcrumbs = []    # BurrowStates
    current: BurrowState = last_state  
    cumulative_energy = 0
    while current != start:
        cumulative_energy += current.last_cost
        current = came_from[current]
    breadcrumbs.append(f"\nCompleted in {len(breadcrumbs)-1} steps with total energy of {cumulative_energy}.\n")
    return "\n".join(breadcrumbs)

This works by rebuilding the all the BurrowState objects, from final state back to the first. We iterate through each BurrowState, starting with the last, and add its last_cost to a cumulative_energy variable. Also, with each iteration, we add the str representation of the current BurrowState to a breadcrumbs list.

When we’ve finished iterating, we call reverse() on breadcrumbs, so that our list now goes from first to last BurrowState. Finally, we print the cumulative score, and we join all the breadcrumb strings together using "\n".join(breadcrumbs).

We call it like this:

logger.info("Part 1:\n%s", render_breadcrumbs(current, came_from, start))

It works. Hurrah!

Part 2

Now the rooms are bigger! We’re told that we need to add two additional starting lines between the existing room lines:


Once again, determine the least energy required, in order to rearrange the amphipods such that all the A pods are in the first room, all of the B pods are in the second, and so on.

Good news. I don’t need to change the solution at all!

It’ll just work, because we haven’t hard-coded anything about the size of the rooms. So all we have to do is modify our starting configuration - by adding in the two new rows - and then executing exactly as we did for Part 1.

So, we execute Part 2 like this:

# Part 2 - We need to insert D C B A
#                            D B A C
room_a.insert(1, 'D')
room_a.insert(2, 'D')
room_b.insert(1, 'C')
room_b.insert(2, 'B')
room_c.insert(1, 'B')
room_c.insert(2, 'A')
room_d.insert(1, 'A')
room_d.insert(2, 'C')

start = BurrowState((rooms, hall))
current, came_from = solve_with_dijkstra(start)
logger.info("Part 2:\n%s", render_breadcrumbs(current, came_from, start))

And that’s it.

It works. WOOP! Takes about 7 seconds to run.

Here’s the output using my data:

19:23:03.339:INFO:__main__:     Part 1:


















Completed in 16 steps with total energy of 13336.

19:23:07.569:INFO:__main__:     Part 2:


































Completed in 32 steps with total energy of 53308.

19:23:07.642:INFO:__main__:     Execution time: 7.9547 seconds